About Frith Old Farmhouse
This is a garden of about ¾ acre developed over nearly 50 years. It began with just two apple trees, rough grass & brambles; areas were gradually cleared, and planting was done in a very informal style. It has developed into a collection of plants in a woodland setting as our selected trees and shrubs, chosen to provide more than one season of interest, have matured. Although our main interest is in bulbs and woodland plants, we try to grow as wide a range of unusual and interesting plants as possible, in a natural style, with the plants growing into each other. The garden therefore may seem unplanned, and in places crowded. It contains plants from many different regions of the world, some of which are sufficiently suited to our location to have naturalised. Because the soil is heavy clay with flints, overlying chalk, we have developed altered habitat areas (raised beds, hot dry places, and a scree) to extend the range of plants that we can grow successfully. Twenty to fifty new plants are added each year, and some removed as they are no longer suitable.