About Higher Bridge Clough House
This young and evolving garden has been transformed from rugged grass land over run with nettles and brambles with the odd bunch of snow drops to a usable garden for my family, wildlife and small holding. The garden blends with the surrounding farm lands, borrowing its views from the hills around us; promotes native wildlife; and can live with the odd well behaved weed. The exposed, windy site has been challenging, and the clay soil also proves difficult. However, carefully choosing the correct plants; doing a lot of homework; and a bit of trial and error has meant that the garden has evolved to have interest all year round. The garden wraps around the house and has different styles of planting. A raised mixed border with shrubs and perennials is lined by a long dry stone wall to the back of the house. The front of the garden is more structured with loose planting including mainly perennials and annuals. This leads to the river which is lined with natural planting of water loving plants such as iris, gunnera, ferns and ornamental grasses. The garden has lots of fruit trees and shrubs and over the last few years I’ve planted up a new yellow bed which is full of life in spring and autumn. Where there was no birdsong when we arrived, we now have many more species of bird, butterflies and bees that have either found a home within our garden or who just come to visit – including the local family of deer. We even keep some of the nettle patches and thistles in the paddock edges to feed our insects. Much of the garden comes from my own propagation, and my polytunnel (‘mums shed’…) provides food for the table and flowers for the kitchen, and the veggie patch is full of berries for jam. 2024 saw the arrival of ‘Clough in Bloom’ our flower farm. Come and walk around the flower beds and pick your own bouquet!!