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Norwell Allotments / Parish Gardens

20 allotment holders on a range of plot sizes. Fruit, vegetables and flowers are grown by both young and older gardeners. Many allotment holders will be working on their plots and would love to chat about the battles of weather, pigeon, sparrow, rabbit and rust. To attract insects some plots have been dedicated to annual flower.

Owner Info

  • Norwell Parish Council
Norwell Allotments / Parish Gardens
Norwell Allotments / Parish Gardens
Norwell Allotments / Parish Gardens
Norwell Allotments / Parish Gardens
Norwell Allotments / Parish Gardens
Norwell Allotments / Parish Gardens
Norwell Allotments / Parish Gardens
Norwell Allotments / Parish Gardens

About Norwell Allotments / Parish Gardens

The plots show a diverse mix of plants and gardening methods. Some allotmenteers concentrate on feeding their families as cheaply as possible, others concentrating on the quality having ‘show’ allotments and others who enjoy exhibiting. Some are wholly organic and others are just relieved when something grows! Some are experienced growers and others are new, all learning whilst growing . Different styles include the no-dig method, growing on raised beds, working in harmony with nature and companion planting showing how vegetables and flowers can grow together.

Location details

Norwell Allotments / Parish Gardens,
NG23 6JS

Norwell Allotments / Parish Gardens openings

A group opening is when a number of gardens open together on the same day.

Refreshments Home-made teas in Village Hall (29 June) and Norwell Nurseries (2 July). Refreshments in aid of Village Hall and NGS.
Admission Adult: £6.50
Child: £0.00
Opening times 13:00-17:00

A group opening is when a number of gardens open together on the same day.

Refreshments Home-made teas in Village Hall (29 June) and Norwell Nurseries (2 July). Refreshments in aid of Village Hall and NGS.
Admission Adult: £6.50
Child: £0.00
Opening times 18:00-20:30


  • Grass paths only.
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Payment is by cash only. Please get in touch with the owners for more details.

Yes, coaches are accepted at Norwell Allotments / Parish Gardens. Please get in touch with the owners for details.

Sorry, no dogs are allowed in the garden at this time.

Yes, there are various plants offerred for sale at Norwell Allotments / Parish Gardens, please enquire with the owners for more details.

Yes, one or more routes at Norwell Allotments / Parish Gardens are accessible to wheelchair users.

Yes. Norwell Allotments / Parish Gardens seeks to offer a sustainable refuge for nearby fauna and wildlife. These sanctuaries host diverse habitats supporting indigenous flora and fauna and nurturing local biodiversity.