About Terwick House
Wild woodland garden of 3.5 acres, planted for spring interest some 40 years ago by plant collectors of rhododendron and azalea, acer, camellia and winds along steep, uneven paths to the south of the house. The garden has a collection of Rhododendron yakushimanum among many others; small pinetum and many specialist trees. Some areas of woodland are currently being restored after extensive damage by storms and snow, over-growth and viral attack. This includes judicious pruning over to shrubs over 2-3 years and elsewhere by re-planting. Herbaceous planting is taking shape around the house (completed in 2011) to extend garden interest into summer and autumn. Small potager garden opens from the front driveway and a glasshouse will be installed in 2023. Propagated cuttings and seedlings will be on sale and home-made refreshments on the lawn.