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21 Cardiff Road

A long, skinny garden overlooked by mature trees. Informal wildlife-friendly planting for shade and sun with several places to sit and enjoy. Fruit and vegetable beds with greenhouse and chickens.

Owner Info

  • Rob & Pam Creed
21 Cardiff Road
21 Cardiff Road
21 Cardiff Road
21 Cardiff Road
21 Cardiff Road
21 Cardiff Road
21 Cardiff Road
21 Cardiff Road
21 Cardiff Road
21 Cardiff Road
21 Cardiff Road
21 Cardiff Road
21 Cardiff Road
21 Cardiff Road
21 Cardiff Road
21 Cardiff Road

About 21 Cardiff Road

A long, skinny garden overlooked by mature trees. Informal wildlife-friendly planting for shade and sun with several places to sit and enjoy. Fruit and vegetable beds with greenhouse and chickens.

Location details

21 Cardiff Road,
Dinas Powys,
South Glamorgan,
CF64 4DH

21 Cardiff Road openings

This garden has now completed its National Garden Scheme openings for this year.


  • No information available at this time, please get in touch with the owners for details.
  • Share this garden

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Payment is by cash only. Please get in touch with the owners for more details.

Sorry, there is no available parking for coaches at 21 Cardiff Road at this time.

Sorry, no dogs are allowed in the garden at this time.

Yes, there are various plants offerred for sale at 21 Cardiff Road, please enquire with the owners for more details.

Sorry, 21 Cardiff Road does not yet accommodate wheelchair users.

Yes. 21 Cardiff Road seeks to offer a sustainable refuge for nearby fauna and wildlife. These sanctuaries host diverse habitats supporting indigenous flora and fauna and nurturing local biodiversity.