About Bridge End Cottage
This carefully maintained, country garden has many different areas of interest and views over surrounding countryside. There are formal perennial borders with shrubs and herbaceous flowers and a number of mature trees. A pond fills with winter rains, and streams with planted banks, run through the garden if there is sufficient rain. In addition to some top fruit trees, a soft fruit cage, and small herb parterre, a focus of spring and summer activity is the vegetable plot, planted with greenhouse grown seedlings. There is a small fernery in pots in the shade.
Outside the original perimeter of the garden are adjacent fields, one of which was sown with 16 Kgs of native, wild flower mix in May 2013. It flowered profusely with annuals the first summer and thereafter has had a wonderful variety of flowers which come and go through the summer months and although suffers if there’s no spring rain, it should be at its best in July.
The Head Gardener (owner) has Level 3 RHS Diploma in Horticulture and is very happy to lead conducted tours of the garden, describe the successes and failures, and offer gardening tips and Latin names if so requested. She is very keen on biodiversity and garden sustainably.
Teas are served in an easily accessible outside room. U3A, WI, horticultural and gardening societies are particularly welcome to come on arranged visits.