About Home Farm
This 9-acre garden has been adapted to cope well with drier conditions while maintaining a traditional farmhouse feel with more than 100 roses, including many highly fragrant old English varieties, complemented with honeysuckles. Mature herbaceous borders are packed with delphiniums and a wide variety of salvias.
Added interest comes from a recently introduced Mediterranean border, an aged olive tree and lavender-lined avenue between rows of cherry trees. A ha-ha wall surrounds the formal garden, and the orchard has old local varieties of top fruit.
The wildflower area, created recently but still being diversified, is already a haven for wildlife with enthusiasts spotting rare butterflies and a woodland walk adds to the wildlife interest. A pin oak, with fine foliage, particularly in autumn, has recently been added .
The large, south east -facing terrace overlooks the garden giving far-reaching views and provides the perfect place to enjoy a cup of tea.