About Keyworth Gardens
2 High View Ave: Almost ⅓ of an acre, cottage style, set mainly to lawn with several mixed borders which contain a variety of herbaceous perennials, roses and bulbs. There are fruit bushes, a wildflower area, pond and small woodland of snowdrops and bluebells. Seating dotted around give views of the different areas. Home Farm: Large garden behind old farm near village centre which is defined by its trees. The old garden is divided by laurel, beech and yew hedges explore it to find the orchard, the old cart shed pergola, ‘Green Man’ pond, rose garden and mixed borders. Further on, it merges into an ornamental wilderness with turf mound and ponds. Rose Cottage: Densely-planted with colourful wildlife-friendly plants. Many features and different zones add unique interest. A wildlife stream meanders down between several ponds and bog areas.