About 13 Broom Acres
“Romance is not dead” says this spellbinding ¼ acre garden with shrubbery, exotics, specimen trees, scented climbers and mixed herbaceous borders. Lose yourself on the sinuous paths, explore hidden corners, waltz down the long pergola, duck through rose arches and step over tree rounds. Take in the formality and folly, then to finish off, sit back on a Mediterranean terrace looking out over it all and relax with a cup of tea and some wickedly sumptuous home-made cake.
The garden at 13 Broom Acres began as an ordinary suburban expanse of grass with some neglected shrubs and lots of weeds. It has taken 9 years for it to become the captivating romantic garden it is today. There is always something in flower and always something new to see in this hidden gem.
Discover more about how this garden was planned, planted and developed over 9 years by visiting www.sunilpatel.co.uk and immerse yourself in the archives that detail the process of reclaiming the infamous terrace, the creation and planting of the garden’s six large borders and how vision, graft and time turned the mundane into magic.
Home made teas available on all dates but served at Dorset Cottage on 29th June and 7th September.