About 92 Hampstead Way
This informal garden combines wildlife friendly planting with a passion for plants. It is designed across a variety of habitats and aims to be interesting throughout the year. Marsh marigolds, iris and candelabra primulas grow in the pond and bog garden in the Spring and water lilies, mimulus and water mint take over later in the Summer. Newts, frogs, dragon and damsel flies have made their homes there.
The lawns have been allowed to grow into meadows with mown paths and they display a sequence of wild flowers and grasses, attracting insect pollinators including a variety of bees and butterflies. In spring snowdrops, crocus, fritillaria and primroses predominate in the short grass and these are followed by buttercups, ox-eye daisies, birds foot trefoil, bugle and orange hawkweed in the long grass, as the seasons progress.
More formal shaded and sunny borders offer opportunities to grow a range of interesting shrubs and perennials such as acers, calycanthus, astrantias, ferns, foxgloves and lily of the valley in the shade and roses, clematis, paeonies, cistus and dierama enjoying the sunshine.
Composting, a wormery and a water butt contribute to sustainability.
This year a new lean-to greenhouse and raised bed have generated an interest in propagating and vegetables.
On the day of opening refreshments and plants sales will be available.