About Devonport
Small, residential inner courtyard with dense mixed planting
Woodland garden with raised woodland bed
Victorian Style greenhouse with mixed plant collection of tropical plants along with temperate plants and seed raised annuals with a winter bulb display.
Also houses the cold frame and nursery area for young plants.
The HPE plays an important role in providing green spaces for wildlife in the corridor between Hyde Park and other local green areas such as Regents Park and the Grand Union Canal. The Church Commissioners are actively involved in educating garden visitors with bird and insect signs and supporting initiatives at local community events to promote awareness of local wildlife and wildflower gardening.
Tony Heywood Landscapes and the Hyde Park Estate is committed to;
• promoting biodiversity through diverse planting strategies and horticultural techniques (reducing annual in favour of perennials, an emphasis on wildlife friendly plantings, selective mowing, promoting native habitats),
• reducing carbon emissions with the use of electric machinery, use of barrows and hand tools, promoting the art and craft of horticulture
• promoting shredding, mulching and composting of green waste
• limiting use of chemicals in favour of biological control methods.