About Madingley Hall
Tues 29 April 2.00pm – 3.30pm
Join the Madingley Hall Garden team as they lead a tour to enjoy this eight acre garden surrounding the Tudor Hall. The tour will explore the spring delights of this 150 year old meadow as it begins its floral seasonal journey alongside the accompanying fine range of trees. The occasion will take in the ‘Capability’ Brown landscape and the walled garden with Medicinal Garden, Alpine Bed and Sunken Garden. Insights into the maintenance and care for the garden will include a trip to our prized composting area. The afternoon will round off with afternoon tea and cake.
Wed 2 July 6.00pm – 7.30pm
Enjoy a tour of this historic garden at the height of summer with a member of the garden team. The garden grows over 1,200 plants both familiar and unusual. This tour will unlock this variety and abundance within the varying borders and features. Discover the scents and perfumes in the perfumery/aromatherapy border, the colours of the dye border and the healing remedies of the herbal medicine area. The evening will finish with light refreshments and wine.