About Milton Lodge
Garden conceived around 1900 by Mr Tudway Quilter’s grandfather, Charles Tudway, who transformed the sloping ground to west of house into the existing series of architectural terraces, specifically to capitalise on the glorious views of the Cathedral and the Vale of Avalon, clothing them with a profusion of plants some of which are still thriving today. After the ravages of two World Wars, the garden was restored to its former glory by current owner’s parents who came to live here in 1960. They proceeded to reseed lawns, reshape yew hedges, create new mixed, herbaceous and shrub borders and replace the old orchard with a raised collection of ornamental trees. Just across the Old Bristol Road is our 7-acre woodland garden, known locally as ‘The Combe’, also restored with new trees and shrubs planted on the valley floor as well as the steep banks either side. The Combe is a natural peaceful contrast to the formal terraced garden at Milton Lodge across the road. Both share the advantages of interesting topography, fine old trees and lovely vistas of the Cathedral and surrounding countryside.