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Moleshill House

Romantic disarray. Naturalistic garden on the wild side. Short woodland path leads from dovecote to beehives. Informal planting contrasts with formal topiary, box and garlanded cisterns. Colourful courtyard, conservatory, pond with fountain, pleached avenue, circular gravel garden, gipsy caravan garden, green wall and stumpery. Espaliered crab apples. Chickens and bees.

Owner Info

Moleshill House
Moleshill House
Moleshill House
Moleshill House
Moleshill House
Moleshill House
Moleshill House
Moleshill House
Moleshill House
Moleshill House
Moleshill House
Moleshill House
Moleshill House
Moleshill House
Moleshill House
Moleshill House
Moleshill House
Moleshill House

About Moleshill House

Location details

Moleshill House,
KT11 1BG

Directions to Moleshill House
On A307 Esher to Cobham Rd next to free car park by A3 bridge, at entrance to Waterford Cl.

Moleshill House openings

This garden has now completed its National Garden Scheme openings for this year.


  • No information available at this time, please get in touch with the owners for details.
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Yes, cashless payment is accepted.

Yes, coaches are accepted at Moleshill House. Please get in touch with the owners for details.

Sorry, no dogs are allowed in the garden at this time.

Yes, there are various plants offerred for sale at Moleshill House, please enquire with the owners for more details.

Sorry, Moleshill House does not yet accommodate wheelchair users.

Moleshill House is not explicitly a wildlife garden, but you may still find various indigenous flora and fauna.