About Waterer’s Garden
Moving here in 1997 as complete non gardeners we had to take out over thirty trees and tackle a lawn which was over our knees. The soil is Bagshot Sand and we were told that nothing would grow in the borders except gorse. Over the years the soil has been improved with many loads of manure and we can now grow many things, although the failure rate is high. The two towering wisterias didn’t flower for the first few years and then they rewarded our careful pruning by giving us fabulous displays most years. We both love roses and my husband particularly likes tulips, which the squirrels enjoy too, so we use various techniques to deter too much loss.
Trevor does the chopping back, weeding and clearing and Alison does the planning, planting and nurturing. An area we are constantly challenged by is the end where dry shade means limited choices and some luck to have things work. We have done little to the structure of the garden, save for building a wall on the terrace and putting a new water feature and patio in to take us to the office without muddy feet. The water feature is Victorian and as close to how we imagined George Waterer who built the house and garden would have chosen. Having experimented with colour schemes, yellow and pink work well in spring, pink in summer and autumn and whites in winter. We have seating in various places around the garden and will be serving teas on the terrace.