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28 St Ronan's Avenue

Town garden 145ft x 25ft, 700 metres from the sea. A mixture of tender, exotic and dry loving plants, along with more traditional inc bananas, ferns, agaves, echeverias, echium and puya. Wild flower area and wildlife pond. Two different dry gardens showing what can be grown in sandy soil. Recycled items have been used to create sculptures.

Owner Info

28 St Ronan's Avenue
28 St Ronan's Avenue
28 St Ronan's Avenue
28 St Ronan’s Avenue
28 St Ronan’s Avenue
28 St Ronan’s Avenue

About 28 St Ronan's Avenue

Plantsman’s garden created from derelict land in a seaside urban area 700 metres from the sea. Frosts are rare and the soil is free draining. The garden has evolved to include plants suited to these conditions.

A shaded area closer to the house has more moisture retentive soil where bananas and tree ferns grow including dicksonia antarctica and cyathia medularis. There is a dry garden, which is never watered and includes tulips in early to late spring, achillea, alliums, crocosmia, cerinthe purpurea, echeveria, euphorbia mellifera, echinops, bergenia and sedum. The dry garden is in flower from April to early August.

There is a wild flower area and wildlife pond with toads and newts. There is another dry area with agave americana, agave parryi and aloe.

Structure is created by interesting trees including cercis siliquastrum, albizia julibrissin, loquat and pleached hornbeam for screening.

We use recycled items to create quirky sculptures and the large shed was made by the owner entirely from reclaimed materials for less than £100 and was inspired by the book, ‘Cabin Fever’ by Marie-France Boyer.

Location details

28 St Ronan's Avenue,

Directions to 28 St Ronan's Avenue
St Ronan's Rd can be found off Albert Rd. Follow signs from Albert Rd or Canoe Lake on seafront. Parking in Craneswater School.

28 St Ronan's Avenue openings

This garden has now completed its National Garden Scheme openings for this year.


  • No information available at this time, please get in touch with the owners for details.
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Other Gardens of Potential Interest


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Sorry, there is no available parking for coaches at 28 St Ronan's Avenue at this time.

Sorry, no dogs are allowed in the garden at this time.

There are no plants for sale for the time being.

Sorry, 28 St Ronan's Avenue does not yet accommodate wheelchair users.

Yes. 28 St Ronan's Avenue seeks to offer a sustainable refuge for nearby fauna and wildlife. These sanctuaries host diverse habitats supporting indigenous flora and fauna and nurturing local biodiversity.