About 57 St Quintin Avenue
The walled garden (30ft x 40ft) comprises a wide selection of unusual deciduous and evergreen shrubs chosen mainly for foliage effects of colour, shape and texture, with several trained as wall specimens. Interspersed among these are some hardy ferns and perennials for both flower and foliage colour. An adjoining patio area (12ft x 18ft) is mainly furnished with bedding material chosen to reflect a planned colour theme associated with a raised bed carpet bedding display, usually depicting a notable event or anniversary. For example, 2008 commemorated the centenary of the birth of Mr Groffman’s parents, with a colour theme incorporating chocolate, lime and orange shades. In 2022 a beautiful display in honour of the late Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. Throughout the area is a selection of special features and focal points, including wall and basket displays, a rose bower, sink garden, and a doubly special surprise!