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Benvarden Gardens

The garden at Benvarden has been enclosed since the mid C17, most probably evolved from a semi-fortified Bawn. It is shown on a 1788 map soon after the neighbouring rhomboid cobbled courtyard was built. Bought by the Montgomery family in 1797, it was transformed into a modern walled garden with the bawn wall faced with brick and the height raised to the present 16ft, with paths and beds laid out.

Owner Info

Benvarden Gardens
Benvarden Gardens
Benvarden Gardens
Benvarden Gardens
Benvarden Gardens
Benvarden Gardens
Benvarden Gardens
Benvarden Gardens
Benvarden Gardens
Benvarden Gardens

About Benvarden Gardens

In the 19th century a Vinery, melon house, tomato houses and an apple & mushroom store were created, which are still in the garden and productive with melons, grapes, nectarines & peaches, tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers and figs all being grown. Together with espalier apple & pear trees and a large vegetable garden there is seasonal produce for sale.

The recently renovated Stableyard Tearoom operates in the courtyard.

In 1874 the white Victorian iron bridge was built over the River Bush and is a feature in the view from the house which looks down over lawns to the river, framed by a variety of trees, rhododendrons and Irish yew. The pond walk has azaleas and camellias and an array large leafed plants reflecting in the dark peat water.

Location details

Benvarden Gardens,
County Antrim,
BT53 6NN

Directions to Benvarden Gardens
From Ballymoney head toward Portrush, in the village of Ballybogey turn R into the Benvardin Rd after ½ m (before the River Bush) the Gardens are on your R.

Benvarden Gardens openings

This garden has now completed its National Garden Scheme openings for this year.


  • No information available at this time, please get in touch with the owners for details.
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Yes, cashless payment is accepted.

Yes, coaches are accepted at Benvarden Gardens. Please get in touch with the owners for details.

Yes, dogs are welcome at Benvarden Gardens. Please keep the dogs on fixed short leads in the garden and keep in mind that you are responsible for controlling the dog’s behaviour. For any specific rules please ask the owners.

Yes, there are various plants offerred for sale at Benvarden Gardens, please enquire with the owners for more details.

Sorry, Benvarden Gardens does not yet accommodate wheelchair users.

Yes. Benvarden Gardens seeks to offer a sustainable refuge for nearby fauna and wildlife. These sanctuaries host diverse habitats supporting indigenous flora and fauna and nurturing local biodiversity.