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Compton Elms

A delightful spring garden set in a sunken woodland, lovingly recovered from clay pit workings. The atmospheric garden is filled with snowdrops, primroses, hellebores and fritillaria, interspersed with anemone and narcissi under a canopy of ash and beech.

Owner Info

Compton Elms
Compton Elms
Compton Elms
Compton Elms
Compton Elms
Compton Elms
Compton Elms
Compton Elms
Compton Elms
Compton Elms
Compton Elms
Compton Elms
Compton Elms
Compton Elms

About Compton Elms

The garden is best visited in spring, when the bulbs in the woodland garden emerge. Snowdrops arrive in February, then primroses and sweet smelling daphne, with late March to early April bringing narcissi, anemone, hellebores and fritillaria.

The rest of the garden is made up of a collection of rooms, framed by yew and box hedging. There is a small kitchen and cutting garden, bordered by fruit trees. Around the pool, olives have been underplanted with hummocks of lavender and santolina to create a Mediterranean feel. The back borders, full of cottage garden plants are set off by the fantastic view across farmlands to Knowl Hill.

Location details

Compton Elms,

Directions to Compton Elms
Situated at end of gravel road located opp & in between Berkshire Aesthetics & The Golden Ball Pub & Kitchen on the A308.

Compton Elms openings

This garden has now completed its National Garden Scheme openings for this year.


  • No information available at this time, please get in touch with the owners for details.
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Payment is by cash only. Please get in touch with the owners for more details.

Sorry, there is no available parking for coaches at Compton Elms at this time.

Yes, dogs are welcome at Compton Elms. Please keep the dogs on fixed short leads in the garden and keep in mind that you are responsible for controlling the dog’s behaviour. For any specific rules please ask the owners.

There are no plants for sale for the time being.

Sorry, Compton Elms does not yet accommodate wheelchair users.

Compton Elms is not explicitly a wildlife garden, but you may still find various indigenous flora and fauna.