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Hereford Cathedral Gardens

Explore the Chapter House garden, Cloister garden, the Canon's garden with plants with ecclesiastical connections and roses, the private Dean's Garden and the Bishop's Garden with fine trees and an outdoor chapel. These are open session where visitors can explore the gardens at their own pace, with Gardeners and Guides based within the gardens to share the history of the site.

Owner Info

Hereford Cathedral Gardens
Hereford Cathedral Gardens
Hereford Cathedral Gardens
Hereford Cathedral Gardens
Hereford Cathedral Gardens
Hereford Cathedral Gardens
Hereford Cathedral Gardens
Hereford Cathedral Gardens
Hereford Cathedral Gardens
Hereford Cathedral Gardens

About Hereford Cathedral Gardens

Cared for by our dedicated team of Volunteer Gardeners, the cathedral gardens are the site’s best hidden asset. Explore the environs of the Cathedral site from medieval times to the present day with behind the scenes access to gardens not normally open to the public, including Chapter House Garden, the Dean’s Garden and the Bishop’s Palace Garden. In 2012 the Gardeners won 2 prestigious awards in the It’s your neighbourhood Heart of England in Bloom. They received an Outstanding Award for their work and also an Outstanding Merit Award, in 2015 featured in the Easter edition of Country Life magazine and also in 2016 in BBC Escape to the Country programme. In the spring of 2021, the gardens were featured in the Daily Telegraph.

The Cathedral Cafe is located near to the Chapter House Garden where refreshments can be enjoyed by visitors.

Location details

Hereford Cathedral Gardens,

Directions to Hereford Cathedral Gardens
The ticket desk is in the cathedral car park, please approach the desk to sign in with staff.

Hereford Cathedral Gardens openings

This garden has now completed its National Garden Scheme openings for this year.


  • Partial wheelchair access. For more information please visit website or contact the team in advance.
  • Share this garden

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Yes, cashless payment is accepted.

Yes, coaches are accepted at Hereford Cathedral Gardens. Please get in touch with the owners for details.

Sorry, no dogs are allowed in the garden at this time.

There are no plants for sale for the time being.

Yes, one or more routes at Hereford Cathedral Gardens are accessible to wheelchair users.

Yes. Hereford Cathedral Gardens seeks to offer a sustainable refuge for nearby fauna and wildlife. These sanctuaries host diverse habitats supporting indigenous flora and fauna and nurturing local biodiversity.