About St Margaret's Allotments, Churchyard & Centre
St Margaret’s Allotments, Churchyard, and Centre offer varied interests for visitors. Aside from the richness of the produce, fruit, flowers, and trees on the allotments, many of the plots have special features, including ponds, the use of water-gathering methods, and the application of organic methods such as ‘no-dig’ cultivation. St Margaret’s Churchyard has varied habitats rich in bird and insect life, and over 500 gravestones which reflect local history from Victorian times and earlier. The 12th-century, Grade-1 listed church of St Margaret of Antioch, one of the earliest churches in Durham, which retains many of its Norman features, will be open for the event. The allotments and the churchyard together include the land from which the stone for building Durham Cathedral and Castle probably came, and evidence of the medieval fishponds of the cathedral can still be seen. Open to visitors will be the adjacent St Margaret’s Centre, which is devoted to improving the mental health and well-being of the community, providing a safe, therapeutic environment for people to regain their confidence, motivation and self-esteem while learning new skills, of which allotment gardening is one.