About Twigs Community Garden
TWIGS (Therapeutic Work in Gardening Swindon) is a local charity and provides support for people experiencing mental health problems by offering creative activities in gardening, crafts and woodcrafts. Its 2½ acres of gardens are hidden within an industrial estate and contain many surprises. The site is maintained by volunteers and has an interesting range of trees and plants incl many ‘wild’ native species (some mistakenly referred to as ‘weeds’!)
Separate gardens within the site incl ‘The Path of Life’, Potager, Cottage garden, Faith garden, Physic, Japanese and Wildlife friendly gardens. Throughout the gardens you will discover Artwork created by people using the service. The gardens are overflowing with perennials and wildflowers, and are alive with butterflies and birdsong. An Iron Age roundhouse gives shade and seclusion on a hot summer’s day, whilst the fitness trail offers a gentle challenge to the energetic. There are 3 ponds on the site which add to the sense of calm and provide moments of reflection. There are also several cut flower beds.
Swindon Beekeepers Association share the site and ensure that there are wild flowers and honey for sale. There is the opportunity to walk around Plaum’s pit, a beautiful, peaceful lake next door.
Tea and cakes, craft displays and plants for sale!