About Wollerton Old Hall
Created 40 years ago around a Tudor house (not open), this quality garden has been extensively filmed by all major TV channels and also Japanese TV.
Designed by the owner, Lesley Jenkins, this outstanding garden combines a strong structure with clever planting combinations using perennials. The early spring shows of anemones, hellebores and trilliums are followed by tulips, aquilegias and oriental poppies. The summer roses herald the arrival of the delphiniums which in turn give way to the dominance of stately hollyhocks and vibrant phlox. August sees the hot garden ignited which still burns when the asters and euonymus seed capsules arrive in September.
The garden has significant collections of rare perennials, salvias, paniculata phlox and clematis and some of these will be available in the Plant Centre. The Tea Room provides excellent lunches and teas with much of the food being freshly prepared on the premises.