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C15 Grade II terraced house in the centre of a C12 Suffolk village with walled garden to the rear of the property. Additional land was acquired 20 years ago, and this garden was developed into formal and informal planting. The main formal feature is the Shakespeare Garden featuring the bust of Shakespeare, and the 'Umbrello' a recently constructed pavillion in an Italianate design.

Owner Info

  • Mr Stanley Bates & Mr Michael Elles

About Bridges

The original property was the home and business of the local village butcher. Little was left in the private walled garden at the rear of the house, but this afforded an opportunity to cover the walls with different climbing plants, trees and shrubs.

A breeze block workshop and garage was removed to make way for a greenhouse and matching potting shed around a small parterre. The original narrow conservatory attached to the house was replaced by a larger construction in 2002 and has a seasonal selection of flowering plants, including Ipomea Learii which provides stunning blue flowers during the summer.

Land to the rear of the garden was purchased and developed over a 20 year period.
The main feature here is the Shakespeare Garden, bordered by purple Prunus and Beech hedges. The lawn in front of a bust of Shakespeare is planted with a carpet of 7000 Crocus in varieties of purple, blue, striped, and white.

The opposite end of this garden now has a recently constructed ‘Umbrello’, inspired by the designs of Batty Langley, which provides a sheltered view to Shakespeare. Areas beyond lead to formal fruit, vegetables and flower beds. The old Box bordered Asparagus bed was given over to Peony and Dahlia planting, giving a longer season of colour.

There are many selections of trained fruit including 23 old and new varieties for apples.
Near the top of the garden there is a mature walnut tree. From here you will see ‘The Ring Cycle’, three large circular steps made from recycled bricks and materials dug out from the garden. At the first step turn right into the grand entrance of the compost enclosure. A great deal of waste material produced by the garden is shredded and composted in one of the four brick bays.

Returning to the Ring Cycle will lead you to a more relaxed area with a large pond and informal planting. Three very old Willow trees have been reduced, pollarded and Hydrangea petiolaris allowed to climb.

The area here has been developed to allow a small range of camelias, rhododendrons and azaleas to grow. There is also an area planted with cyclamen coum grown from seed giving a delightful and welcome brightness to the gloomy late winter months.
From here walk along the ‘ditch walk’, an old village water course planted with robust varieties that are left to fight it out with each other. This path returns you back to the house garden.

We hope you enjoy your visit.

Location details

Bury St Edmunds,
IP30 9SA

Directions to Bridges
From A14 take slip road to Woolpit, follow signs to centre of village. Road curves to R. Bridges is on L & covered in Wisteria, opp Co-op.

Bridges openings

For this open day you can book your tickets in advance. Click on the yellow button below to book or you can just turn up and pay on the day.

Refreshments Home-made teas. Refreshments in aid of St. Mary's Church, Woolpit.
Admission Adult: £5.00
Child: £0.00
Opening times 11:00-17:00

For this open day you can book your tickets in advance. Click on the yellow button below to book or you can just turn up and pay on the day.

Refreshments Home-made teas. Refreshments in aid of St. Mary's Church, Woolpit.
Admission Adult: £5.00
Child: £0.00
Opening times 11:00-17:00


  • No information available at this time, please get in touch with the owners for details.
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Payment is by cash only. Please get in touch with the owners for more details.

Sorry, there is no available parking for coaches at Bridges at this time.

Sorry, no dogs are allowed in the garden at this time.

Yes, there are various plants offerred for sale at Bridges, please enquire with the owners for more details.

Sorry, Bridges does not yet accommodate wheelchair users.

Bridges is not explicitly a wildlife garden, but you may still find various indigenous flora and fauna.