About Parsonage Farm
The garden’s design is based on an C18 concept of ferme ornee – or ornamental farm – with a large lake in a parkland style setting at the front of the house and more formal gardens behind with walks and vistas stretching out into the fields and woodlands. The garden (overall about 7 acres not counting fields and woods) is now reaching maturity as reflected in the many 12ft yew hedges which divide it into a number of formal and informal areas planted with carefully chosen colour themes and unusual plants. Avenues are quite a feature – some trained as hedges, pleached allees, hedges on stilts, lollipops – and some in a more natural style such as the tulip tree avenue and hundreds of metres of Holm oaks planted through new woodlands, and underplanted with mahonia, which lead up to a grand grass amphitheatre. To reflect the history of the village there is fruit planted in almost every area of the garden including many heritage and unusual varieties and a ¾ acre fruit and vegetable garden with flowers for cutting. Whilst the garden has been designed for visual pleasure and impact it is above all a family garden with a strong feeling of individuality and spirit of place. Recent developments include the yew cloisters with a statue of balancing stones and cutting rides through the woodland.