About Wainfield
Wainfield has evolved very much with wildlife in mind. It is an evolving garden – a large open area with some beautiful mature trees including mulberry, medlar, whitebeam, acacia, curly robinia, oak, cedar, tulip, handkerchief tree, crab apple, magnolias, judas tree, chestnut coppice and other smaller more recently planted unusual shrubs and trees.
Many interesting plants in the tulip area with its spring bulbs and winding path leading to the grasses area with its hebes and clematis, butterfly tree, old tree stumps, the marvellous mature ponds with a waterfall, the Rose Garden with its winding path delving through the herb area and separate box area bordered by the long fruit trellis interspersed with climbing roses, lupins and clematis, an orchard area, a lawn with a large herbaceous and perennial border, a terrace with figs, roses, ceanothus and wisteria.
Then there is the Artist Studio, a glorious oak framed building , with a huge A-Frame and shingles on the roof with its gables and front glassed to give a wonderful natural light experience. An open circular driveway bordered by a recently planted bund already filled out with delightful plantings. A lovely area to explore with something for everyone, lots of climbers, dry and wet, light and shade.