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Gardens in East Yorkshire

The National Garden Scheme gives visitors access to 1 of the best gardens in East Yorkshire.

Your visits and donations to private gardens near East Yorkshire raise important funds for Charitable causes across the UK.

Thanks to the generosity of owners opening gardens for free NGS was able to raise and donate over £3.4 million to charities last year. We hope to top this in 2024 with more beautiful gardens open in East Yorkshire for you to visit this year than ever before.


  • 1
    Private Garden to visit in East Yorkshire
  • 1
    Dog Friendly Garden in East Yorkshire
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Many garden owners offer plants for sale, please use the "More filters" button on this page to find them. The individual listings provide more information in this respect.

We have numerous gardens in East Yorkshire that showcase stunning autumn colours. Please use the filter above to list them. The best period to visit these gardens is from around mid-October to mid-November, although an Indian Summer can affect this timeline.

Some garden owners are happily accommodating group visits; Fern House, 5 Wold Road have recently been listed with NGS. Please use the filters above to find more and make sure to check which gardens allow group visits by arrangement only.

Absolutely. There are many gardens in East Yorkshire that strive to ensure that all visitors are able to enjoy a positive experience. Please try and keep to the paths, particularly in wet conditions, and make sure to read each garden's information to make the best of your visit.

East Yorkshire boasts a wide variety of beautiful gardens with native and exotic plants. Whether it's bluebells, naturalised daffodils, fragrant roses, or Mediterranean trees and shrubs, plant lovers will find something to enjoy in all seasons, including a good number of wildlife gardens.