Create a medium winter flowering pot using perennials

Garden owner Janine Stone, who opens her garden at Manor Lodge in Hampshire, with her husband Gary is back to share some inspiration on how to create a medium pot using winter flowering perennials.
What you need for your winter flowering perennial pot:
Multipurpose, peat free compost
1 Pack miniature daffodil bulbs (about 8) I used Rip van Winkle
3 Hyacinth bulbs, I used City of Haarlem (yellow)
1 Winter box, easy to grow from cuttings and self seeds
1 Vinca minor, I used Illumination
1 Ophiopogon
1 Lemon scented Monterey Cypress
3 winter pansy plants
How to create your pot:
If you’re using an old pot, brush, clean and rinse and consider using a cleaning fluid.
Fill the bottom of the pot with crocks/broken pot fragments.
Add compost to the depth your bulbs require and place them so that they will grow between the plants you are using.
Put larger bulbs nearer the centre of the pot and smaller bulbs around the periphery.
Plant your perennial and pansy’s so that the bulbs will come up between them. I have used yellow and blue flowers to complement the pot colour.