
Dig Killicomaine – transforming an eyesore into a thriving community allotment

When the Community Garden Grant application came through from the Killicomaine Residents Group, it was their hope that the rejuvenation of this disused plot into an allotment, outdoor kitchen and community space would benefit all the residents in the area making a safer, more welcoming and healthier community.

Residents and The Lord Mayor Margaret Tinsley gathered for the plaque presentation with National Garden Scheme Area Organiser Trevor Edwards.


Mark Ingham, the Housing Executive’s South Area Manager, said: “This piece of Housing Executive-owned land has been completely transformed thanks to the hard work of Killicomaine Residents’ Group and our maintenance staff.

“It had previously been used for fly-tipping and was in need of regular clearing. As a result, the piece of land was regarded by residents as an eyesore and was very difficult for Grounds Maintenance to maintain.

“Working with the local office, our Grounds Maintenance Supervisor Colin Baker approached the community group to ask if the land could be put to use to grow produce instead and we were delighted to help facilitate this.”

He added: “This area now has a brand new lease of life and has brought the whole community together. Seeing the land being used for the benefit of residents is fantastic. The project has been such a success that there are even talks to extend the allotment further.”


If you’d like to know more about our Community Garden Grants, including when and how to apply, click the link below. Follow us on Instagram @ngscommunitygardens for more community gardening project stories.

Community Garden Grants


Quote from Mark Ingham courtesy of Armagh News article by Scott Mann August 2023

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Our donations in 2024

Donor 1
Donor 2 £500,000
Donor 3 £450,000
Donor 4 £450,000
Donor 5 £450,000
Donor 6 £350,000
Donor 7 £350,000
Donor 8
Donor 9 £122,227
Donor 10 £90,000
Donor 11 £80,000
Donor 12 £25,000
Donor 13 £302,000
Donor 14 £232,000