Enter the garden of your imagination on Garden Meditation Day

Monday 3rd May is National Garden Meditation Day. Whether you have a garden of your own or simply want to be transported to one you can enjoy a specially scripted guided garden meditation with Yoga Teacher & Mindfulness Coach, Lise Jolly.
Lise sets the scene: Meditation is for everyone and anyone. It is simply a technique to help you focus on the present moment so that you leave behind thoughts and worries of the past and future. Meditation brings you peace, calm and clarity as you live and breathe purely in the present moment. Meditation brings you space and time to simply BE. Anyone can practice it, and even five minutes a day is enough to foster many positive changes in your life.
Amongst other things Meditation has been proven to have the following positive benefits: –
- Reduces stress. Stress reduction is one of the most common reasons people try meditation – promotes feelings of calmness and peace
- Thoughts and stressors affect you less
- Controls anxiety. Less stress translates to less anxiety
- Promotes emotional health and wellbeing
- Enhances self-awareness
- Lengthens attention span
- May reduce age-related memory loss
- Can generate kindness/empathy
- May help fight addictions
- Improves sleep
- Helps control pain
- Can decrease blood pressure
- Improves memory and concentration
- Improves quality of life
As Lao Tzu, the ancient Chinese philosopher wrote many centuries ago:
“If you are depressed you are living in the past.
If you are anxious you are living in the future.
If you are at peace you are living in the present.”
Meditation is all about living in the present moment.
Meditation also teaches us that we are connected with every living creature and Mother Earth herself. We are all part of the same. When you breathe in, you breathe in the breath of the plants and trees around you, and as you exhale, you allow them to breathe in return. We couldn’t be more connected than that. So, what better place to experience that sense of connection with nature than in the fresh air, beauty, peace and tranquil calm of your garden on National Garden Meditation Day.
Even if you do not have your own garden space, you can still explore the garden of your imagination that I will help you create during this guided meditation.
With love and Namaste – Lise Jolly
Begin your meditation
Take yourself to your favourite place in the garden, your safe space, your sanctuary, or imagine yourself in your favourite garden or open space …
Find a comfortable position either sitting or lying on a blanket.
Allow yourself time to settle and be comfortable – making sure that you are warm and supported. If you are lying down place a pillow under you head and knees, place a blanket over you and allow your arms to rest at the sides of your body, palms up if that is comfortable.
Rest your head on your pillow so that, if possible and comfortable, your chin is slightly lower than your forehead.
Whether seated or lying – allow your body to settle and be still…
Close your eyes and relax your head, your face and your shoulders.
Select your meditation – with or without background music and birdsong … enjoy.
You can follow Lise on instagram @lise.jolly or on Facebook here
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