Garden owners supply plants for our RHS Chelsea Flower Show garden

Exemplifying the spirit of generosity that is woven through the relationship the charity has with its supporters a selection of plants have been donated by National Garden Scheme garden owners to be incorporated into the design of The National Garden Scheme Garden for RHS Chelsea Flower Show in 2024.
A group of garden owners delivered their plants to Tom Stuart-Smith’s studio at Serge Hill in October (pictured with Tom, far right, above). From there they will be looked after by Crocus, the main contractor for the garden build, in readiness for the RHS show in May. A number of other plants were also collected from garden owners unable to make the day in October.
- John and Gill Hadland
- Kerrie Lloyd-Dawson and Pete Stevens
- Sarah Pajwani
- Griselda Kerr
John and Gill Hadland, who open their garden Westview in South Leicestershire supplied Mitella breweri (Brewer’s mitrewort or Brewer’s bishop’s cap). They became involved with the National Garden Scheme in 2010, after Gill was a finalist in the BBC Gardener of the Year competition in 2009. “It had always been my wish to open the garden for the National Garden Scheme, so I decided to approach the county organiser to see if they would accept the garden. Thankfully they did and we have been open ever since,” says Gill.
Kerrie Lloyd-Dawson and Pete Stevens, who open their garden at 43 Mardley Hill in Hertfordshire, supplied Silene fimbriata (fringed-flowered campion) and Epimedium versicolor sulphureum.
They have opened their garden for the last 11 years. “In our previous garden we opened for our village open gardens and really enjoyed it. We bought 43 Mardley Hill specifically to create a new garden together and hoped that the National Garden Scheme might take us on. They did and we’ve been opening for the last 11 years. Opening our garden for the public is hard work, not to mentioned all the cakes! But it is so rewarding, not only because of the fundraising, but also because we can see how much pleasure our visitors get from visiting our garden. Many go away inspired to create something new in their own garden, often armed with a plant purchase. We get repeat visitors who tell us how their plants are doing. A couple of people have even brought us plants that they thought we ought to have. It’s a very social, collaborative experience, and a great way to meet people from the area and learn about other gardens. It’s also great motivation to get all those gardening jobs done!” says Kerrie.
Sarah Pajwani, who opens her garden St Timothee in Berkshire, supplied Melica Altissima ‘Alba’ (Siberian Melic). “I’ve always enjoyed visiting private gardens for the inspiration they give and so once I had created my own garden, it felt only fair to reciprocate and open for others,” says Sarah.
Philippa Burrough, who opens her garden at Ulting Wick in Essex, supplied Cenolophium denudatum and Thalictrum delavayii album.
“We’ve been opening our garden in Essex for over 25 years and have enjoyed every moment of it,” says Philippa. “It’s so rewarding to have visitors turn up in the garden and raise money for such important medical charities. Some come to admire the planting and gain inspiration, others make a bee line for the plant stall whilst others meet up with friends in a relaxing and beautiful space over a cuppa and a piece of cake. We are delighted to give a few of our plants for the National Garden Scheme Garden at Chelsea in 2024.”
Griselda Kerr, opens her garden at The Dower House in Derbyshire and supplied Lamprocapnos (Dicentra) Spectabilis ‘Alba’ (white Bleeding Heart). “William and I have opened the garden for the National Garden Scheme since 2008. I was invited to open by the county organiser as it had never occurred to me to do so. I had only been gardening for five years at that time.”
- Caspar Todd
- Philippa Burrough
- Lucy Adams
- Chipps Mann
Lucy Adams delivered plants on behalf of Doddington Place Gardens in Kent. Open for the National Garden Scheme since the late 1950s, Lucy brought Convallaria majalis, Maianthemum racemosum (treacleberry / false Solomon’s seal).
Chipps Mann, who opens her garden Oxleaze Farm in Gloucestershire supplied Digitalis purpurea f. albiflora (white foxglove); Polygonatum x hybridum (Solomon’s Seal) and Iris sibirica ‘Caesar’s Brother’.
Having visited other National Garden Scheme gardens over the years Chipps thought it would be good idea to share her own garden with other enthusiastic gardeners, “whilst at the same time raising significant sums for charities close to my heart.”
Caspar Todd who delivered plants on behalf of Lepe House Gardens in Hampshire supplied Epimedium x perralchicum ‘Fröhnleiten’. Lepe House, with its wonderful coastal location, opened in 2023 for the National Garden Scheme for first time to huge excitement and many visitors and will open again in 2024.
Louisa Arbuthnott who opens her garden and nursery Stone House Cottage in Worcestershire supplied Cenolophium denudatum.
Joan Gaunt, who has opened The Circles Garden in West Yorkshire since 2009, has supplied two rare plants – Belchnum penna marina (Falkland Island form) and Convallaria majalis ‘Hardwick Hall’ along with Carex testacaea, Epimedium versicolor ‘Sulphureum’, Hosta ‘Devon Green’, and Polystichum munitum.
“Until 2020 I opened for one day a year for the National Garden Scheme and sold plants, but since then I have just opened for groups of people by appointment. I open to give pleasure to visitors and my teams of helpers and, hopefully, increase their enthusiasm for and interest in gardening, as well as raising money for charities. I am grateful for the fellowship and support of the National Garden Scheme family during the years I have been opening.”
- Ian and Susie Pasley-Tyler
- Joan Gaunt
Ian and Susie Pasley-Tyler who open Coton Manor in Northamptonshire supplied Hosta ‘Devon Green’ and were delighted to be able to contribute to the project. “The garden first opened for the National Garden Scheme in 1978 when my parents-in-law owned the property,” says Susie. “And in 1991 we continued to open when we took the garden over from them and have been doing so ever since. We do hope that the garden Tom Stuart-Smith is designing will be a huge success and succeed in increasing publicity for the National Garden Scheme.”
Jean and Richard Wiseman who open Ravensthorpe Nursery in Northamptonshire supplied Iris Sibirica ‘Sparkling Rose’. “We have been opening our nursery garden, first of all as part of a village opening for some years and since we retired just over two years ago we’ve also opened several times a year on our own. Nowadays that means that we keep in touch with old customers, which means a lot to us, as many have become friends over the years. We know how much people value the National Garden Scheme. Apart from anything else, there is a sort of kinship for people on their own when they walk round a village and see other people doing the same as they tour the gardens – it means they can have a conversation with strangers without feeling awkward. This was particularly valued around the pandemic years. The garden has evolved from a field over 25 or more years, originally to showcase the plants we grew on the nursery, but latterly as a place to house our addiction too! We are happy to share some plants from our garden for the National Garden Scheme Garden at RHS Chelsea too.”
- Jean and Richard Wiseman Photo: Michael Sinden
We would like to extend a huge thank you to everyone who supplied plants for the garden.
For more information about our garden at RHS Chelsea Flower Show in 2024
click here
Images taken at Serge Hill by Jiaji Wu photography