A special year with Maggie’s

2024 is a special year for the National Garden Scheme’s partnership with Maggie’s. Not only have we continued to help fund the charity in building gardens at its cancer support centres but The National Garden Scheme Garden created for RHS Chelsea this year, will be relocated to the new Maggie’s garden at Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Cambridge after the show.
The close relationship with Maggie’s doesn’t end there. Many of the garden owners who open their gates for the National Garden Scheme have a close tie to Maggie’s too … and in some cases it was that relationship and the care and support they received that motivated their opening for us. You can read their stories of these special connections in the following pages.
Maggie’s builds cancer centres with fabulous gardens designed by architects and great garden designers. This partnership results in exquisitely designed spaces that provide support and sanctuary for thousands of people and their families living with cancer.
To find out how special they are you can visit some of the gardens at Maggie’s centres when they open for the National Garden Scheme this year
click here to explore them all
This schematic shows how The National Garden Scheme Garden from RHS Chelsea will link the car park on the left to the new Maggie’s on the right – creating a woodland walk for people arriving at the site and somewhere to relax and enjoy a cup of tea in the gorgeous hut. For more about the garden click here
Find out why gardens are so important to Maggie’s with their CEO Dame Laura Lee:
Read more about National Garden Scheme garden owners who have a connection to Maggie’s and the National Garden Scheme here