A sunny collaboration of sunflowers

This year, a collaboration between the National Garden Scheme, one of its beneficiaries Hospice UK, and a garden that opens for the scheme is set to create a sunflower filled summer sure to put a smile on people’s faces.
“In collaboration with the National Garden Scheme and West Horsley Place, we are delighted to be sending all 200 members of the hospice network in the UK a pack of sunflower seeds harvested from West Horsley Place’s community sunflower field at the end of last summer,” explains Kate Redding, Corporate Partnerships Manager at Hospice UK.
“Sunflowers bring the joy of summer, and we are inviting all our hospice partners to use the seeds however they wish.”
The hope is that West Horsley Place sunflowers will grace the gardens, borders and pots at hospices across the UK for everyone to enjoy, or perhaps the seeds will be shared with patients, family members, staff, or volunteers.
Matt Link, the Estate Manager at West Horsley Place, has also put together his top tips for growing sunflowers (and a little mention about the connection to BBC TV’s Ghosts – see his video below) and we’re hoping that those taking part will share photos of their sunflowers on social media using the hashtag #HereComeTheSunflowers. We’re looking forward to seeing them grow!
The collaboration is especially fitting as the sunflower is the logo for Hospice UK. It’s origins are explained in this quote from the Duchess of Norfolk who founded Help the Hospices in 1984:
“The origin of the sunflower as the Help the Hospices emblem stems from its adoption by a hospice in Ireland and then by one in Cornwall in the early 90’s. As a flower it seems an ever-smiling symbol of brightness and life. There may be darkness deep at its centre, but this is offset by the warmth of the colours which closely encircle it, and the number, the depth and brilliance of the petals both enfolding and reaching out to shed their light. Is there something in all that of hospice care?”
The garden at West Horsley Place (aka Button Hall in the BBC hit TV series Ghosts) opens for the National Garden Scheme in May and September 2023 – CLICK HERE for details.
- Kate Redding of Hospice UK with Estate Manager Matt Link at West Horsley Place, Surrey