
Discover a real sense of community this year

In addition to our annual donations to nursing and health charities, the National Garden Scheme grants awards to help community gardening projects, many of which, in turn, open their gates to National Garden Scheme visitors.

From social welfare and gardening projects that help the isolated, the disabled and the disenfranchised to support for community orchards, food banks and social prescribing projects at GP surgeries the National Garden Scheme funding provides a much-needed boost to those working on community garden projects throughout England and Wales.

Visiting a community garden is a whole new experience – the produce and plants they grow and the health and wellbeing benefits they provide is hugely inspirational. If you have time why not visit a community garden opening for the National Garden Scheme this year – listed below. We’d love to know what you think!

Wonderful flowers at Rhubarb Farm

Jealott’s Hill Community Landshare
Marmalade Lane, Cohousing Community Garden
The Wonky Garden
Shipley Woodside Community Garden
Foxhole Community Garden
East Sussex
Seaford Community Garden
Cressing Temple Community Garden
Grange Farm Community Garden
Nightingale Community Gardens
Greater Manchester
The Growth Project (lead image)
Wicor Primary School Community Garden
Ashton Walled Community Gardens
Bridge Inn Community Farm
Fern Grove Community Garden
Community Orchard and Wildlife Garden
Torriano Community Garden
North Powys
Cultivate Community Garden
Oasis Community Gardens
Rhubarb Farm
Masefield Community Garden
Twigs Community Garden


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activities throughout the year

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Our donations in 2024

Donor 1
Donor 2 £500,000
Donor 3 £450,000
Donor 4 £450,000
Donor 5 £450,000
Donor 6 £350,000
Donor 7 £350,000
Donor 8
Donor 9 £122,227
Donor 10 £90,000
Donor 11 £80,000
Donor 12 £302,000
Donor 13 £232,000