
Paying in donations from your Great British Garden Party

Thank you for taking part in The Great British Garden Party and raising funds to help support our nurses.

If you want to pay in online, you can click here.


If you prefer you can also select to submit your donation by one of the following two methods.  

Pay in at the bank: 
You can pay in your funds at any high-street bank, or you can make an online bank transfer:

Bank: Barclays

Account holder: The National Garden Scheme

Sort code: 20 35 35

Account number: 0340 5036

Please ensure that you use your Great British Garden Party unique reference code as your reference. 

Pay in by cheque: 
If you are not able to make your donation via any of the previous methods you can write a cheque made payable to ‘National Garden Scheme’ and send it to: National Garden Scheme, Hatchlands Park, East Clandon, Guildford, Surrey, GU4 7RT. Please make sure you enclose a note to let us know that you took part in The Great British Garden Party. 

Thank you so much for taking part in our Great British Garden Party. Your donation will make a real difference and help to support vital nursing and health charities. 



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By completing this form, you confirm that you are aged 18 years or over and that you are happy to receive emails from the National Garden Scheme in accordance with our Privacy Policy. We will never share your details with anyone else without your express permission.



Our donations in 2024

Donor 1
Donor 2 £500,000
Donor 3 £450,000
Donor 4 £450,000
Donor 5 £450,000
Donor 6 £350,000
Donor 7 £350,000
Donor 8
Donor 9 £122,227
Donor 10 £90,000
Donor 11 £80,000
Donor 12 £25,000
Donor 13 £302,000
Donor 14 £232,000