Homerton University Hospital – bringing a garden to life

When Homerton University Hospital Trust applied for a Community Garden Grant in 2022, they were looking to embark on a project that would transform an unused patch of land into a green hub for patients, staff and the community. Research had identified a need for space for patients to spend time away from the ward either with visitors or by themselves and an underutilised courtyard picked as the focus for creating this calming outdoor space. Rejuvenating this space would have the added benefit of being a green space for patients remaining in the wards to look out on.
Now in 2023, we are pleased to hear that the team at Homerton have completed the project and have a garden successfully serving as a space to connect with nature and with each other. Here’s what they said;
“Thanks to this incredible donation allowing this garden to come to life, we have been able to hold several horticultural therapy sessions, separately for staff and patients, where they have been able to engage with gardening activities, learning new skills, tasting, harvesting and socialising in the space. They were a hugely popular with all who attended! Patients were able to take home their harvested goods and planted seeds, and staff returned to ward areas with their own slice of nature in hand.
From all us here at Homerton Hope, and the staff and patients of our hospital, a huge thank you for your generosity and support in the completion of our wonderful healthy Harvest Garden!”
If you’d like to know more about our Community Garden Grants, including when and how to apply, click the link below. Follow us on Instagram @ngscommunitygardens for more community gardening project stories.