These unique greeting cards are made from 100% recycled paper and embedded with a mix of UK native pollinator seeds (see list below). After Christmas the whole card can be planted and with a bit of water, light and love grow into beautiful wildflowers.
The paper is 100% biodegradable and offers a sustainable option for Eco-Friendly greeting cards.
This card is blank inside so that you can write your own message, and instructions are illustrated on the reverse of every card.
• Size: 105 x 148mm
• 100% UK made
• 100% recycled UK waste paper
To grow your wildflowers
To grow the paper just place in a pot with compost, water well and make sure the paper is kept moist at all times. Do not let it dry out as this will reduce the chance of growth. Keep the pot somewhere light and warm. Once the seedlings are large enough, you can transfer them to your garden.
Embedded with UK native pollinator mix professionally selected especially to help support the save the bees campaign. The UK native pollinator mix is made up from the following : Birdsfoot trefoil, black knapweed, black medick, meadow buttercup, musk mallow, ox-eye daisy, ribwort plantain, red campion, salad burnet, self heal, white campion, yarrow, lotus corniculatus, centaurea nigra, medicago lupilina, rananculus acris, malva moschata, leucanthemum vulgare, plantago lanceolata, silene dioica, sanguisorba minor, prunella vulgaris, silene alba and achillea millifolium.