Whilst overflowing with roses in June, in Jan and Feb the bones of this ⅔ acre galanthophile’s garden on chalk are on show. Brick and flint walls, terraces, rustic arches, gates and pond add character. Drifts of snowdrops carpet the floor whilst throughout is a growing collection of well over 500 named varieties. Many hellebores, pulmonarias, grasses and seedheads add interest. Opens Thursday 6th and 13th March.
Wonderful woodland walks with daffodils, rhododendrons, azaleas, shrubs and bulbs. Magnificent views, formal gardens. The gardens have been extensively redeveloped under the direction of Tania Compton and Marie-Louise Agius. The formal gardens are being continuously improved with new designs, exciting trees, shrubs and plants. Gorgeous William Pye fountain and other sculptures. Opens Sunday 23rd March.
Park and gardens laid out by Capability Brown and Repton. Large lawns with fine specimens of ornamental trees surround the Elizabethan mansion. C18 bath house hidden in the grounds. Spring bulbs, beautiful lily pond with Indian bean trees, young arboretum and stunning collection of magnolias. Opens Sunday 30th March.