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14 Granary Way

The work on this neglected small garden was completed in May 2012. The planting of the hot and sunny front bed contrasts with the semi shaded back garden. The improved soil structure allows over 200 different plant/bulb varieties to thrive. Alliums, aquilegias, foxgloves, and peonies should (hopefully) be in flower for this year's open day.

Owner Info

  • Jackie Hutchinson
14 Granary Way
14 Granary Way
14 Granary Way
14 Granary Way

About 14 Granary Way

There is a formal tiled concrete fish pond in the back garden. Despite the fact that Cambourne is a new town the green spaces and landscaping gives it a feeling of space. The landscaping is now maturing. There is a nice circular walk (15 to 20 mins, gravel paths) from our house past the allotments, community orchard and round the two man-made lakes.

Location details

14 Granary Way,
CB23 5BQ

Directions to 14 Granary Way
Exit A428 Cambourne, 2nd exit on next 2 r'abouts. At Morrisons turn L onto High St then Monkfield Ln. R Greenhaze Ln.

14 Granary Way openings

This garden has now completed its National Garden Scheme openings for this year.


  • No information available at this time, please get in touch with the owners for details.
  • Share this garden

Other Gardens of Potential Interest


Payment is by cash only. Please get in touch with the owners for more details.

Sorry, there is no available parking for coaches at 14 Granary Way at this time.

Yes, dogs are welcome at 14 Granary Way. Please keep the dogs on fixed short leads in the garden and keep in mind that you are responsible for controlling the dog’s behaviour. For any specific rules please ask the owners.

There are no plants for sale for the time being.

Yes, one or more routes at 14 Granary Way are accessible to wheelchair users.

14 Granary Way is not explicitly a wildlife garden, but you may still find various indigenous flora and fauna.