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4 New Row

Located behind a former oysterman's cottage c1875, this long, narrow garden surprisingly offers a range of garden rooms, planted with silver birch, roses, clematis, salvia and various herbaceous plants. The garden also contains a summerhouse, a fish pond, a grapevine and climbing roses. It all comes together to make a peaceful, tranquil garden.

Owner Info

4 New Row
4 New Row
4 New Row
4 New Row
4 New Row
4 New Row
4 New Row
4 New Row
4 New Row
4 New Row
4 New Row
4 New Row
4 New Row
4 New Row

About 4 New Row

Located behind a former oysterman's cottage c1875, this long, narrow garden surprisingly offers a range of garden rooms, planted with silver birch, roses, clematis, salvia and various herbaceous plants. The garden also contains a summerhouse, a fish pond, a grapevine and climbing roses. It all comes together to make a peaceful, tranquil garden.

Location details

4 New Row,

Directions to 4 New Row
Park in the field opp the Plough and Sail pub. Follow Waterside Rd (to the L of the of the pub) after 100 yds turn R then follow the signs.

4 New Row openings

This garden has now completed its National Garden Scheme openings for this year.


  • No information available at this time, please get in touch with the owners for details.
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Other Gardens of Potential Interest


Payment is by cash only. Please get in touch with the owners for more details.

Sorry, there is no available parking for coaches at 4 New Row at this time.

Sorry, no dogs are allowed in the garden at this time.

There are no plants for sale for the time being.

Sorry, 4 New Row does not yet accommodate wheelchair users.

4 New Row is not explicitly a wildlife garden, but you may still find various indigenous flora and fauna.