About Khususi
The garden is informal and aims to be a place for wildlife and fun. We like to use natural materials, creating interest and surprises, and repurpose what we source in the garden and locally to make other things of interest. For example pebbles, tree stumps, tree trimmings etc are repurposed to form a stumpery, water features, border edgings and a ‘fedge’. Much of the planting has been created from ‘bargain bucket’ sale plants nursed back to health. Decorative items have been made or sourced secondhand.
Hidden seating areas are framed by wildlife-friendly planting with different subtle themes and mature trees. A small perennial meadow borders the open field beyond. A woodland area with a variety of euphorbias and ferns runs into the ‘jungle’ of bamboos, hostas and hydrangeas. A hot Mediterranean is home to a mature fruiting olive tree and a range of succulents.
Sweeping raised sleeper beds form large planting areas curving around an old well to the front of the property with multi-stemmed birch and ‘hot’ planting.
The working area of the garden features a polytunnel and composting compound.