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Nether Moor House

A country garden with views of Hope Valley. Mature trees. Front terraces with colourful planting and box hedges, below lawn and mixed borders, unusual plants. Japanese patio garden: small pond, pools of planting, massive arches, mix of Japanese and traditional plants. At the back, a Japanese walk, long border, sloping grass, sculptures, wild flowers, vegetables. Sit and take in the views.

Owner Info

Nether Moor House
Nether Moor House
Nether Moor House
Nether Moor House
Nether Moor House
Nether Moor House
Nether Moor House
Nether Moor House
Nether Moor House
Nether Moor House
Nether Moor House
Nether Moor House
Nether Moor House
Nether Moor House
Nether Moor House
Nether Moor House
Nether Moor House
Nether Moor House

Location details

Nether Moor House,
Hope Valley,
S33 9HU

Directions to Nether Moor House
From N via A6187 & B6049 R at playing field (Gore Ln), up Smalldale. From S via B6049 L at playing field, (Town Ln) up Smalldale. Turn L onto Granby Rd. Park on L side of rd, well tucked in.

Nether Moor House openings

This garden has now completed its National Garden Scheme openings for this year.


  • No information available at this time, please get in touch with the owners for details.
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Yes, cashless payment is accepted.

Sorry, there is no available parking for coaches at Nether Moor House at this time.

Yes, dogs are welcome at Nether Moor House. Please keep the dogs on fixed short leads in the garden and keep in mind that you are responsible for controlling the dog’s behaviour. For any specific rules please ask the owners.

There are no plants for sale for the time being.

Sorry, Nether Moor House does not yet accommodate wheelchair users.

Yes. Nether Moor House seeks to offer a sustainable refuge for nearby fauna and wildlife. These sanctuaries host diverse habitats supporting indigenous flora and fauna and nurturing local biodiversity.